Severe Tropical Storm Batsirai Drifts Towards Rodrigues – Live Coverage

Severe Tropical Storm Batsirai Drifts Towards Rodrigues – Live Coverage<strong class=" title="Severe Tropical Storm Batsirai Drifts Towards Rodrigues – Live Coverage" decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1280w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px">

Severe Tropical Storm Batsirai regained STS status Saturday morning as the storm continued its march Westward through the Indian Ocean. Batsirai is the second named storm of the 2022 South Indian Ocean Cyclone Season, with Tropical Storm Ana being the first storm to form, striking Mozambique. Batsirai could eventually pose a major threat to the Reunion islands, possibly intensifying into a severe cyclone. Force Thirteen will be live covering Batsirai starting at 15z, and you can watch using the link below!


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Xochitl Kulpa
1 year ago

Thanks – Enjoyed this post, can you make it so I receive an email when you publish a fresh post?

Dave van Niekerk
Dave van Niekerk
2 years ago

What are chances it will impact Northern KZN South Africa?

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