Super Typhoon Surigae Becomes Strongest Storm of 2021

Super Typhoon Surigae explosively intensified on Saturday, bringing the storm to contain winds of 180mph and a pressure of 900mb, making it the strongest storm of the year so far, and the strongest typhoon to ever occur in the month of April in the Western Pacific. Surigae should miss a direct landfall in the Phillipines, but strong impacts can be expected due to the strength and size of the storm, especially near the islands of Bikol and Samar.
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Yeah but I don’t think at will be the strongest but it may be the strongest typhoon
AND with 185 mph same as hurricane Irma and hurricane or typhoon paka But for surigae most are saying 190 mph
And with a 185 mph same a hurricane Irma and same as hurricane or typhoon paka
Most are saying 190 mph
Ans with a 185 same as hurricane Irma and
hurricane and typhoon paka
185 mph same as Irma
Surigae peaked with winds of 160kts, gusts up to 200kts and pressure dropped to 888mbar by JTWC estimates.
It’s already 895 mb.Holy cow!Btw u misspelled Bicol