Tropical Storm Etau about to make landfall in Vietnam

Tropical Storm Etau about to make landfall in Vietnam<strong class=" title="Tropical Storm Etau about to make landfall in Vietnam" decoding="async" fetchpriority="high">

Tropical Storm Etau is now close to making landfall on Vietnam, and it seems to be a rainfall threat yet again to Vietnam.

Etau is currently located near 12.5 degrees north, 111.3 degrees east, approximately 273 nautical miles southeast of Da Nang, Vietnam. The system currently has a maximum sustained winds of 45mph and a minimum pressure of 1000 millibars. The system is currently moving west-southwest at 8 knots (9mph) towards Vietnam, but the storm’s size can be very concerning to the Vietnamese people.

The Joint Typhoon Warning Center’s cone for Etau.

The storm is expected to bring heavy rains to the central part of Vietnam, potentially worsening the ongoing floods on the country. There are no warnings in effect for the country, but please prepare for this storm.

Stay tuned for updates.

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