Tropical Storm Forms off the Southeastern China Coast

Tropical Storm Forms off the Southeastern China Coast<strong class=" title="Tropical Storm Forms off the Southeastern China Coast" decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 465w, 695w, 1366w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px">

Tropical Storm Higos (PAGASA name Helen) has formed just off the Southeastern coast of China as a Tropical Storm according to the latest information from both the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC). It is forecast to strike Southern China as a strong Tropical Storm within the next 6-12 hours.

Current Storm Information

Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) Cone of Uncertainty for 08W HIGOS/HELEN

Tropical Storm Higos is currently located at around 21.1°N, 114.9°N, around 82 NM Southeast of Hong Kong with an estimated 1-minute sustained winds of 50 mph (45 knots, 85 km/h) with 10-minute sustained winds of 60 mph (50 knots, 95 km/h) and 1-minute sustained gusts 80 mph (70 knots, 130 km/h), equivalent to a Severe Tropical Storm on JMA’s scale and a Tropical Storm on the Saffir-Simpson scale (SSHWS/SSHS).

Higos is forecast to move Northwestward for the remainder of it’s likely short-lived lifetime, strengthening to a 1-minute sustained peak intensity of 60 mph (50 knots, 95 km/h) before eventually making landfall in South-Southeastern China in less than 12 hours. High winds possibly reaching and/or surpassing gale force (40 mph; 35 knots, 65 km/h) at the surface in addition to heavy rainfall capable of flooding and mudslides at higher elevations are extremely likely to occur, regardless of any further strengthening or weakening that unfolds prior to landfall. When looking at the forecast cone, keep in mind that any of the aforementioned conditions associated with the storm can happen outside the actual highlighted area of uncertainty as it only represents the possible area where the center of the storm can go.

For further information, refer to your local meteorological office. Force Thirteen is also providing further updates as well as live coverage on Higos and other storms around the world through their facebook, twitter and youtube platforms.

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